If you are first-time dieter like me, consider these things before you jump into a diet. Planning and research are key for successfully completing a diet plan. Ok, I am not a seasoned dieter and this is by no means expert advice on best and worst diets and their health benefits or side effects. This is a beginner’s checklist really. For someone like me who has never ever gone on any sort of diet and have no clue as to what it entails. A few simple things to contemplate upon before you embark on a journey chasing health and weight-loss. Now that I am on my last week of the Fast Metabolism Diet (yayyyyyy), I feel like these pointers are so important in selecting, kickstarting and sticking with a plan. What do you hope to achieve by going on a diet? Weight loss, detox, cholesterol issues, diabetes scare, heart problems or simply change of eating habits? In my case, it was primarily the last – kicking my addiction to sugar and making fresh fruits and veggies a bigger part of my regular meals. Putting down a goal helps to remain focused and not get distracted. For example, if your personal […]